Wednesday, 25 February 2009

Chillerton/Cheap Girls TOUR!

So as promised here are the dates for our May tour-

Monday 11th – Brighton the hobgoblin
Tuesday 12th – Portsmouth – the Fawcett inn
Wednesday 13th – Swansea – the coyote bar
Thursday 14th –Exeter – the cavern
Friday 15th – Sheffield - the stockroom - w/above them S
aturday 16th – Manchester – the kro bar - w/above them
Sunday 17th – leeds – the packhorse- w/above them
Monday 18th - Cambridge– venue TBC
Tuesday 19th - London, Brixton - The Windmill
Wednesday 20th - TBC

I'll post up any changes or anything, but as far as I know this is pretty damn final, so write the dates in your diary, come along, stamp your feet and throw booze all over yourself

Also, I have been listening to the new Propagandhi album- it's pretty METAL, and the long awaited new O Pioneers!!! record. The better of the two is available for free/donations from

Back on Track

I have been really busy of late and have neglected writing stuff up here. I have been helping out at the first Cambridge Poster Roast for the last week or so, I should probably advertised it up here before it actually happened. Here is a poster for it, so take a look and see what you missed!

There were so many great artists featured, I think there is a list of who exhibited over at so check their work out and if you like their stuff drop them a line, and then ask them to design a poster or t-shirt for your band, because they are probably all broke.

There was a show on the Sunday night with some slamming bands, it was awesome and I had a blast. The preparations and the lead up were pretty stressful- I hired the cheapest PA I could find, which looked like it could just break at any moment, but it did OK and thanks to Andy TTG being damn knowledgeable on all aspects of PA and stuff he managed to make all the bands sound pretty damn good. Massive thanks to Pennines and Tellison for being awesome and bringing a whole bunch of extra equipment and monitors at the last minute. My biggest worry was that the place is glass fronted and has absolutely no sound proofing, I had this irrational fear that the police were going to come and shut it all down within minutes of the bands starting, but as far as I know we received zero complaints, so keep your eyes peeled for alot more gigs and stuff happening there.

Chillerton were featured in the exhibition, after a whole load of hunting about I tracked down a picture that just about makes this post relevent to the band. If you like the poster (which also features Crazy Arm, Above Them and Sam Russo) Alex Curtis has a few left, they are A2 sized and cost £10 posted in a nice sturdy tube.

Monday, 9 February 2009

Band you should know

I found this while googling Chillerton. It's from Sound as Language...

'Got a hold of the fantastic Bleak Unison LP (via Document Recordings) from UK’s Chillerton recently and this band definitely deserves to be heard. Fans of gruff pop punk, Leatherface and No Idea Records should eat this up. Chillerton are able to distinguish themselves by adding a bit more melody to their rough and tumble sound. Chillerton are on the higher scale when it comes to this genre and this is only the band’s debut. Bleak Unison is only the sound of Chillerton getting their feet wet. What lies ahead for the band is certainly exciting.'

Oh yeah and before you think I am a dick for googling my own band name, I was trying to work out whether this blog shows up if you search for Chillerton. It doesn't. Well not in the first couple of pages anyway. I genuinely have absolutely no idea if anyone reads/has read a single thing I have posted on here. I'm too thick to work out if I somehow can see the number of visits this has had.....

Certainly not musical....

Or of any particular interest to anyone other than approximately 5 of my friends, but my bike is now finished. It looks awesome, I will post some pictures of it up here when the rain stops. I have been bike-less since last November when some dickhead stole my old one. I hope that he fell off and broke every bone in his body when he realised that he couldn't freewheel. My new one looks much less 'flash' and much more rusty so hopefully I'll keep hold of it for a little longer. If someone does steal it they will certainly break every bone in their body cos my new one doesn't even have a brake.

Cheap Girls

So we are going on tour in May with a band called Cheap Girls who are from Michigan. I fully suggest that you check them out at To be honest I completely made that URL up so don't blame me if it's some weird sex trade site, ask google or something- I know the internet makes people pretty lazy but tracking down a slamming band should be pretty straightforward....

This is what they look like, they look like they know to have a good time so I'm not too worried about spending 12 or so days in a van together. I'm really gutted that I missed them play The Fest a few months ago, I tried but the queue was too long so I went and drank coffee by myself at a place called Volta. Jack and Bailey both saw them play, Bailey loved it so much he was sick afterwards.......

Our friend Tim from You Me and the Atom Bomb has booked this thing so he will be coming along and keeping us in line, he might play guitar for us on a couple of songs.

You can download their album from (again I totally made this url up, but google is your friend), or I'm sure some cool distros have it in stock. I have it and I really like it, it's really nice mid-paced driving indie-rock that people liken to Buffalo Tom and the Replacements. I have never knowingly heard Buffalo Tom, and The Replacements comparision is, although not wildly inaccurate, kinda lazy. Everyone gets compared to the Replacements these days. I think they sound like Piebald covering REM. Whoever they do or do not sound like doesn't matter- let's just judge them on their own merits without comparing them to anyone!

I think the tour runs from 11th May to the 22nd. I will post the full dates up here when I know them. We are hitting lots of towns that Chillerton haven't been to for ages, so come along and say hi. We would all like that very much.

Thursday, 5 February 2009


These first few posts are more an experiment than anything else. So far this is what I have acheived....

1. Actually starting this blog. Chillerton used to (in fact we may still) have a website, we rarely updated it, and very rarely visited it.... I'd like to draw a comparison between our website and the paper part of your driving licence, you know that it exists SOMEWHERE but you never really have any need or desire to look at it.

We have a myspace, but who the hell uses myspace these days? I sometimes use it to listen to bands, but once I have listened to 4 or so songs I have no desire to fire off a friend request, or read incessant bulletins asking people to 'vote for us to play Warped Tour'. I don't care how many friends we do or don't have. I personally just don't have the time to waste on it I'm afraid. (If anyone has tried to get in contact with us via myspace and we have not got back to you, sorry. We are not ignoring you, we're just busy.)

We tried to get down with the kids and have a facebook 'band page' where people could become fans, this turned out to be the most useless thing ever. You can't even listen to music! I think Bailey set our profile image as a picture of a penis. This may or may not be true.

SO YEAH we have a blog. Whether this is better or worse than any other media outlet only time will tell. Maybe I'll start a twitter berating the world of blogs in a few months when I get sick of typing stuff up here. For me personally I spend alot of time reading blogs. I'll post some links of ones I like when I can work out how to do so.

I think that I might write about other cool stuff, not just Chillerton related, but bands that we are friends with, cool people that we know. I don't know what Jack and Bailey will think of this. It may well be just a fucking ridiculous vanity project for myself.

2. I learnt how to change the colours and text at the top. I'm not sure whether or not I like the colour scheme. I am going to get my girlfriend to show me how to do this shit properly.

3. I am so happy that I have nearly finished building my new bike. The last pieces in the jigsaw should come together tomorrow. Then I can ride through all the snow and slush until my socks get wet and I get trenchfoot.

An update of sorts

As you have probably not noticed, things have been ever so quiet from us over the last couple of months, so here's the deal...

Firstly, apologies for cancelling a few shows at the tail end of 2008- pulling the shows (particularly punk n bowl) was not an easy decision to make but sometimes real life and all the associated responsibilities that come with being grown ups get in the way of us pretending that we're just foot-loose and fancy-free boozehounds without a care in the world.

Secondly, we had a practice last night- I think it was possibly the first one since October- and it was awesome. Practise is hard for us because-

1. I live 150 miles away.
2. Bailey has to catch a FUCKING BOAT to come along
3. We tend to just sit around and smoke tabs.

I had forgotten to play drums, and now my arms ache. However, we have a bunch of new songs sorted, we are going to record them soon. We recorded 3 'new' songs about a year ago that were originally going to be pressed on a 7 inch for Fest 7, this definately didn't happen but they will see the light of day in the not too distant future, and what's even more exciting is that it will be on Kiss of Death Records! It might be a split, it might just be us, the one thing you can guarantee is that it will come on a thousand different colour pieces of wax and Chris White will want them all.

Thirdly, we really like playing shows. Anywhere is good, we particularly like the North so drop us a line. We have a myspace but we rarely check it cos none of us have cushy jobs where we get to sit behind computers, pretending to work, while actually bidding hard on a Japan only Leatherface 7 inch, anymore. Credit crunched.

Some nice photos